Предавање амбасадора Белгије на Филозофском факултету
Предавања :: четвртак, 21.03.2019. ::
Његова екселенција Кун Адам, амбасадор Белгије у Србији, одржао је предавање на Филозофском факултету у Нишу на тему: "Managing diversity in the heart of Europe".
Апстракт предавања, као и неколико фотографија, налазе се у наставку текста.
Managing diversity in the heart of Europe
An introduction to Belgium and its constitutional engineering
Throughout its history Belgium has been forced to find a modus vivendi between the linguistic communities that constitute its population. Federalisation has been the institutional answer to growing frustrations and revindications along both sides of the language border. Peaceful coexistence and good neighbourly relations between the Dutch, French and German speaking peoples of Belgium have been preserved thanks to a complex system of checks and balances, with due respect for minority rights. Is this a sustainable model, worthwile being copied or an ugly and expensive piece of ‘constitutional art’, doomed to disappear? Only time will tell.
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