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Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-method Era: Challenges and Perspectives

Конференције  ::  четвртак, 07.06.2018.  ::   Прилози
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Пуни назив конференције
Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-method Era: Challenges and Perspectives
Датум почетка
петак, 26 октобар 2018
Датум затварања
субота, 27 октобар 2018
Филозофски факултет у Нишу
Износ котизације
50 EUR
Контакт особа
Контакт адреса електронске поште
Контакт телефон
Електронска пријава

The English Department and the Centre for Teacher Education and Professional Development of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, are glad to invite you to the Third international conference Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-method Era: Challenges and Perspectives (TLC 2018), to be held on October 26-27 2018, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš. We hope to offer once again a multi-disciplinary forum that will bring scholars, researchers and practitioners together, to present and discuss latest research, policies and practices in the field of language and culture.


Keynote speakers

It is our honour to announce two keynote speakers for the conference:

Marshall Toman, Full Professor at the English Department, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, holds a PhD in American Literature from Boston College. His areas of specialization are the 20th century American Literature, short story, Eastern European literature and international film. He taught at Palacky University and Masaryk University in the Czech Republic as a Senior Lecturer in the Fulbright program, 1997-98.

Slobodanka Dimova, Associate Professor at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Copenhagen, Center for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use. Her research interests are oral fluency, oral language proficiency, oral language testing, English in higher education, language policy.

Abstracts are invited for individual (or co-authored) papers and workshops on theoretical or applied aspects of foreign language learning and teaching, including (but not limited to) teaching methodologies, developing (intercultural) communicative competence, assessing language and culture, teacher training and professional development, and language policies.

We encourage submissions that approach these topics from various perspectives; we also welcome presentations on topics from any other field or discipline related to or reflected in language and culture teaching.

Although we are devoted to promoting linguistic and cultural diversity, for practical reasons of communicating across languages the official language of the conference is English.

Each presentation will be allotted 20 minutes, 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion after each presentation.

Workshops will be organized as 60-minute sessions, and the number of participants will be limited by the workshop author(s).

Abstracts are to be submitted through the form on the conference website:


Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: July 1st 2018

Acceptance notification: August 1st 2018

Full paper submission deadline: February 1st 2019


Registration and payment

The conference fee of 50 EUR includes the book of abstracts, conference program, refreshments, lunch, certificate of participation, and publishing costs for the conference Proceedings. The fee can be paid on site or via the Faculty of Philosophy bank account. Early registration is encouraged, but not required.

PhD students presenting at the conference will be offered a reduced fee of 20 EUR.

Conference venue: The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy, University if Niš, situated at the heart of the town, at No 2, Ćirila i Metodija Street.

Publication: ­After the two previous conferences, we published the proceedings (2014, Faculty of Philosophy) and a collection of selected papers (2018, Cambridge Scholar Publishing). A selection of papers will be published after the TLC 2018 conference.

Accommodation and travelling arrangements: Useful information about accommodation in Niš and different travelling options can be found at the official Niš Tourist Bureau site at


For more information and regular updates, please visit the TLC 2018 conference website at or contact us at