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Предавање професора Стивена Хејвена на Филозофском факултету

Предавања  ::  недеља, 05.05.2019.  ::   Прилози
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Датум одржавања
четвртак, 30 мај 2019
Сала 434

Професор Стивен Хејвен са Универзитета Лесли у Масачусетсу, САД, одржаће предавање на тему Orders of Truth: Stevens, Frost, the Influence of William James, and the Difficulty of Translating Poetry. Предавање организује Департман за англистику Филозофског факултета у Нишу.

Апстракт предавања налази се у наставку текста, а у прилогу објаве можете наћи и постер.


Stephen Haven

Lesley University


Orders of Truth: 

Stevens, Frost, the Influence of William James, and the Difficulty of Translating Poetry


Both Wallace Stevens and Robert Frost were shaped as young men by nineteenth century assumptions of the “place” of the human mind and spirit relative to the Natural World. In the modern era, both poets spend much of their literary lives reconsidering or fully rebelling against those earlier nineteenth century notions. In this sense both poets were spiritually disinherited by the modern world. With a focus on “The Idea of Order at Key West,” “The Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour,” “The Most of It,” and “Home Burial,” this discussion will consider the formative influence of William James in two key poems by Stevens and the influence of Naturalism and James on two poems by Frost. This discussion will also segue into other areas, such as why poems by Frost (and poems generally) are so difficult to translate. I will conclude with a few examples of my own collaborative translations from contemporary Chinese poetry.

